Friday 17 July 2020

Your Peace

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE - September 21, 2020 | National Today
Here is a beautiful prayer for this weekend. I found it on website that that has many Jesuit resources. It is called 'Your Peace.'

"God, who is more than we can ever comprehend,
help us to seek you,
and you alone.
Help us to stand before all that we could do
and seek what you would do,
and do that.
Lift from us our need to achieve all that we can be
and instead,
surrender to what you can be in us.
Give us ways to refrain from the busyness
that will put us on edge and off center,
give us today your peace." - Author Unknown

Jeremiah 32:38 - Yes, I’ll bring them all back to this place and let them live here in peace. They will be my people, I will be their God.

Living in Grace


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