Tuesday 20 January 2009

Living Word

So, this morning in our staff meeting I decided to share a devotion, based on a few verses from Matthew 5. In fact, I used the commentary and outline from a well known devotional book. For one or two of the staff the verses spoken directly into their situations and one of the verses gave us all the answer to a request that we had just received - How amazing is that? Through the writing of someone else, months before today, God inspires someone we have never seen to pen the words that speak into our lives today! Only God can do that! That is why Paul must have written those words in Hebrews 4 - "The Word of God is living and active..." - It is indeed ALIVE and ACTIVE! Be encouraged today. God wants to speak to us.
Continue the battle as you live in His Grace,

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Exercise Time...

Along with millions of other people I have started my new exercise regime - have to admit that i am feeling better for it already. This morning I didn't really want to get out of bed, but in the end I managed to persuade my body to get a move on! There is an old saying that speaks about 'mind over mattress' when it comes to getting up early to exercise. For me, it is more 'mind over mood!' If I wake up feeling shattered & grumpy then there is little chance I feel like getting onto the bike and going for a ride. In the end, when I have managed to win the battle of 'mind over mood' i feel great and ready for the day. Speaking about exercise, I pray that many of us will also try and exercise in our spiritual lives this year. If a small amount of physical exercise can make us feel good, then surely even a small dose of Spiritual training can make the world of difference. So how about it? What Spiritual exercises should we start this year? Reading through the Bible this year? Reading through a good devotional book? Journalling regularly? Praying? Ask God to lead us in this process - He would love to spend the time with us.
Have a blessed day and happy exercising!
Living in Grace,

Thursday 1 January 2009


A Blessed New Year to you all. So we wake this morning realising that we now need to write 2009 on our letters/cheques/journals etc. As of today we have 365 days to make 2009 a special year - to make a difference in our world and to Live Life to the Full! How are you feeling about that? For me, I am choosing to embrace this gift God has given me. I want to allow Christ to lead me into the unknown chapters of another year. I am convinced there will be obstacles and challenges to face, but I am also certain that I will not have to battle these things alone. May this year also be a year of Grace for you. Live in Christ's amazing grace, trust in His goodness and be willing to Risk great things for God.
Shalom to you, my friend.
Living in Grace, D3LM3