The devotion I was doing today challenged us to sum up our life's purpose in one line. They used the example of Mordecai and Esther, from the Old Testament book of Esther. Mordecai's purpose could have been - "The price of obedience is never too high." Esther's could have read - "What I am is more important than what I have."
Paul wrote some powerful words in Philippians 3 and perhaps his purpose was summed up in 3:13 - "I press on towards the goal...to win the prize!" So how about you? If you were stopped in the street today and the reporter asked you to sum up your purpose in a sentence, what would you say?
Thinking about my own, I would have to respond with one of the following, as a start:
"To Honour my King!"
"To love without limits."
"To live the abundant life."
"To leave a Godly legacy."
Whatever we understand to be our purpose to be, we need to respond to the Life and Grace given to us by our Maker. Every breath should be used to give our Saviour the honour due his name. In the opening words of the Westminster Cathecism - "Man’s chief end is to glorify God,and to enjoy him forever."
May you Live with Purpose and Grace today,
Hey D
Really been enjoying your posts lately! Keep up the great work, always got me thinking:D
impressive sentence dude
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