Wednesday 26 November 2008

Catch and Release!

Just read a great devotion speaking about trout fishing. I can't claim to be the best fisherman in the world, but I do enjoy the occasional cast into a river or dam. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if I don't catch anything (which is often)- it is just the chance to get outdoors and be in the presence of God, undisturbed by other stuff! When one catches a fish, there is great excitement at the fight and then landing the huge 5 kg monster (in my dreams). Once that moment has passed there is the satisfaction of releasing my catch back into the water, hopefully so that they can bite another day. Sadly, there are many people who are 'taken captive' (2 Tim 2:26) by the hollow lies of the devil and struggle to get 'released' from his ugly paws. The devil's intention is never to 'catch and release', but only to 'steal, kill and destroy' (John 10:10). Praise God that Jesus promised to give us 'life in all it's fullness.' He has cancelled the power and grip of sin. We can live to breathe another day, thanks to the cross and the glory of the resurrection. Wow, now that is such a powerful motivation to live daily in HIS GRACE.
Be Blessed,

Monday 24 November 2008

True Colours

So are you willing to nail your colours to the Mast? In times of war, ships would lower their flags if they were willing to submit to their enemies. If they weren't willing to surrender, many of them 'nailed their countries flag' to their masts, declaring that their allegiance belonged to their Country. In other words, in the face of death, they showed their true colours by remaining loyal to their nation. How well do we do this, when it comes to taking a stand for Jesus? In the face of trouble, persecution, danger or ridicule, are we ready to 'Nail our colours to the Mast' and stand for the Lord. I want to show my 'true colours' for Jesus. I don't want to be a 'white-washed tomb' (Matthew 23:27), as Jesus puts it - someone who pretends to be spiritual and holy, but who is sadly not loyal to the King. Will you join me in revealing your true colours. Let's live in Grace.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Is God trying to tell me something?

Ok, so you know that sometimes God is pretty silent (or at least that's how it seems)? Other times, He speaks so loudly, that any person would be able to sense that He was talking to them. Well, He has been trying to get a message through to me over the last few days and it all links up with David and Goliath. I preached on the text from 1 Samuel 17 last Sunday; it was used in the Children's ministry session also (without me knowing); yesterday I attended my father-in-law's induction service and the preacher used the same text; today I have looked at my devotion and guess what scripture passage has come up? Yep, David and Goliath. So Lord, I am listening! What is it you want me to hear? 4 times in 4 days, the same text - WOW, even I am not that stupid to block my ears. Maybe it has something to do with a verse in 1 Samuel 16:7 - "The Lord doesn't see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." Maybe, it has to do with the 'Giants' that lie before me? Speak to me, Lord! In the meantime, I will just put one foot in front of the next and Live in your Grace.

Monday 17 November 2008

Rest - oh, yes please!

"On the 7th day God continued to work and work, until he was so exhausted that he burnt out and had to be hospitalised. In the end the Angels had to take over his responsibilities." - Genesis 2:1. Does it really say this? Of course not! So, if God deemed it necessary to take time out, then why don't we? Genesis 2:1 actually says, " on the 7th day he rested from all his work!" That is the way we ought to live our lives - the Sabbath principle is crucial for our well-being. We need to let our 'souls catch up with our bodies.' If you hadn't gathered, I am working on my day off and I am feeling tired. It is hard, because we are involved with a funeral of someone who means a lot to us, but one still feels tired after working for '6 days.' God knew what he was doing when he created the Sabbath - I just pray that I can honour it properly and therefore glorify Him. May you live in Grace and in the strength of the Almighty God! Oh, and by the way, I am taking Wednesday as my Sabbath....Amen to that!
Living in Grace,

Friday 14 November 2008

Mission Successful!

Thanks to all involved with the successful launch of 'Living Oceans Apart' last night. The whole evening went so well - I had such a great time, being with family and friends, celebrating what God has done. For the record there were almost 300 people there and everyone seemed to have a blast. Our prayer is that the book would now get out into the community and start blessing people. Have a great weekend and live in HIS Grace.
Dream Big dreams for Jesus!

Thursday 13 November 2008

Book Launch - Today!

Well, the time has finally come and we are literally 4 hours away from the Celebration. Wow, I can't believe it - God you are awesome. The last couple of days have been hectic and we have had a few tricky moments, but the Launch Team has been awesome and we are nearly ready. Father, I just want to give you the Glory you deserve. This book has it's origins in the promptings of your Spirit and the ache in my heart. May all who read the book come to an uderstanding of grace, hope and encouragement. May all praise and honour be directed to my Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to be part of this adventure Lord.
I seek to 'Live in your Grace' daily - an honour I know I scantly deserve, but thanks for the gift.
Living in Grace,

Sunday 9 November 2008

The Greatness of God

So when last were you blown away by the Greatness of God? In Jesus' day it seemed a daily occurence for people to be left 'wide-mouthed' in awe at something that Jesus said or did. Luke 9:43 - "And they were amazed at the greatness of God!" Sometimes I feel that we have become numbed into thinking that Jesus only showed up in the Biblical times - how wrong is that? He is awesome - He is great - He is eternal. Napoleon once commented that 'Greatness be nothing unless it be lasting.' How true you are Mr. Bonapart. Our Saviour is Great not only because of everything he has done for us, but because he is "from everlasting to everlasting." Just for kicks, read Psalm 77:13-15 and note a few of the things our Great God has done - God, you are really awesome! So here is our challenge - let's become like little kids again and appreciate the wonder and amazement of Jesus Christ. Be Blessed and don't forget to LIVE IN GRACE.

Thursday 6 November 2008

7 days and counting!

Yes, it is true. We have 7 days until the launch of 'Living Oceans Apart.' I can't believe we have got within a week of the launch. God you have taken us on this incredible adventure. We look forward to what you are going to do with this humble book. As we step out in faith, our fears threaten to make us pull back our feet, but there is this extreme impulse that drives us forward. We want to see people changed through the power of your Holy Spirit. We want to see lives healed and restored through your grace. God you are the 'God of miracles' - thank you for including us frail, human beings in your great works.
We long to be in your presence.
Let's live in Grace.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Leader of all leaders!

So today is the day the America public vote for their new president. Admittedly I have my own thoughts on politics, but what is amazing is how much time, energy and money people spend in order to win the support of humans. What if we spend the same resources on getting people to follow the example and character of Jesus Christ - wouldn't that be more worthwhile? I know it sounds very idealistic, but we are allowed to dream, aren't we? My devotion this morning reminded me that I need to choose my leaders carefully. We all follow people, whether we care to admit it or not - in fact, everyday we end up making up a choice who we will follow during that day. Most often we follow ourselves or someone else. However, as Joshua said: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)This is my commitment for today - I choose to follow Jesus Christ. I will wake up tomorrow and make the same choice - and the next day! Choose today whom you will serve!
Don't forget to Live in His Grace.

Sunday 2 November 2008

I Wonder

Just finished reading a great article by Mark Batterson, which is an excerpt from his book, 'Wild Goose Chase.' He speaks about the Holy Spirit and how we often try and tame GOD, thinking that we know best how to control Him. One of his quotes goes like this: "I wonder if Churches do to people what Zoos do to animals?" - this is in the context of taming our natural instincts. Sometimes we are like this in the Church. We try to tame and control ourselves, just in case we offend people or we are misunderstood. However, when we live for Jesus, there can be half measures. We need to dream big and abandon it all for the sake of the Gospel.
May you be 'wild' for Jesus this week - don't let the opinions of others tame you into a placid form of discipleship.
Live in Grace - everyday!