Tuesday 7 July 2020

Fan the flame

Fan into flame the gift of God | Henry Center
"This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you." - 2 Timothy 1:6

In this single verse Paul touches on such an important aspect of our Christian lives. He reminds Timothy (and us) that when we receive God as our Saviour we are given a spiritual gift and we are meant to use this gift for God's glory.

One of the reasons why I feel many church-goers get frustrated in our faith is because we don't recognise what that gift is and so never get to enjoy using it for the Lord. So, here is the challenge for each of us:

1. Do you know what your spiritual gift is?
2. Are you fanning this into a flame so that it can glorify Jesus and the church?

Living in Grace

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