Tuesday 14 July 2020

Where are you casting?

The Whip-Like Physics of Fly Fishing | Discover Magazine

If you know anything about fishing you will understand that it is very important to cast your line into the right places if you want to catch fish. Sounds simple I know, but it really makes the world of difference to your ability to catch any fish.

When Peter urged the Church to cast their cares unto Jesus he was passing on the same message to the believers - this time in a spiritual sense.

We are not going to decrease our burdens if we cast them in the wrong directions. For example, if we allow our burdens and stress to damage our relationships then we are not 'casting' them into the right space. Just a thought...

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:17)

So, let me ask us all - "Where are you casting your anxiety?"

Living in Grace

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