Thursday 7 March 2019

Hard hearted - Lent reflections with Ezekiel

Image result for hard hearted
When Ezekiel received his call from God (Ezekiel 2), it was backed up with some clear instruction and very strong advice. God knew that his people had become very rebellious (the term 'rebellion' is mentioned 6 times), and that they were a "stubborn and hard-hearted people", but he still wanted them to hear the message.

I find it interesting that God said to Ezekiel - "You must give them my messages whether they listen or not" (v.7). Despite his deep frustration, God still wanted to give them a chance. It shows me the extent of his love for the people, and ultimately for us. Even if we don't listen to God today, he loves us enough to keep sending messages to us. It is God's longing that we would turn to him and be restored. 

Paul presents a question for us to think about:

"Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?" - Romans 2:4

Prayer focus:
Lord teach me to listen to your voice and not to harden my heart. Thank you for your patience with me - may your kindness change my heart, so that I may glorify you. Amen. 

Living in Grace

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