Saturday, 6 June 2009

Every moment counts!

We are reeling from the news that our good friend has just lost his mom in tragic circumstances. Our prayers and thoughts have been with them in the past 12 hours. We are at a loss for words - what can one say at a time such as this? We cling to Jesus - we remind ourselves of his compassion, his mercy and his familiarity with mourning. Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayers!
Jesus wept as his good friend Lazarus died (John 11:35) and Jesus continues to weep with all who mourn. We do have a hope in that Jesus proclaimed that we would have victory over death - we would live with him for eternity. This knowledge gets us by, for now at least. We plead for the Spirit of God to bring courage, peace and healing to our friends.
But now I must get off my seat and decide what to do with 'TODAY' - it is a gift from God. I may not get another. Lord, help me to make every second count. Let me love without fear and live without restraint.
Living this moment in Grace,

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