Sunday 22 August 2021

Saying Yes!

Bob Goff writes, “I think God sometimes uses the completely inexplicable events of our lives to point us toward him. We get to decide each time whether we will lean in toward what is unfolding and say yes or back away. The folks who were following Jesus in Galilee got to decide the same thing each day because there was no road map, no program and no certainty. All they had was this person, an idea and an invitation to come and see….So the next time God asks you to do something that is completely inexplicable…(that) requires a decision or courage that way over your pay grade, something that might even save lives, say “Yes!”

This quote challenges me on many levels, but the few that are most relevant at the moment are these thoughts:

  • Do my present circumstances point me towards Christ?
  • Following Jesus implies that life is going to be a little "unplanned" at time.
  • What do I need to say 'Yes' to in order to help others?
What strikes you about the quote?

Revelation 22:20 - He who testifies to all these things says it again: “I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon!” Yes! Come, Master Jesus!

Living in Grace

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