Monday 2 August 2021

The pride of lions

"I find myself in a pride of lions who are wild for a taste of human flesh;
Their teeth are lances and arrows,
their tongues are sharp daggers."
- Psalm 57:4 (The Message)

I would never want to find myself in the middle of a hungry pride of lions. I can imagine it, but wouldn't want to truly experience it. David has obviously found himself in the midst of a vicious group of back-stabbers and gossips - people who are willing to destroy him with their mouths and attacks. 

Although this is how he feels at the moment he is able to hold onto the promise of God's intervention - God will soar from the skies and deliver him from their hands/claws. This is such beautiful imagery and it is easy to put ourselves into the scenario.

Soar high in the skies, O God! Cover the whole earth with your glory! (v.5)

May you hold onto the fact that God watches over us and that God can make a way out of the 'pride of lions' for us.

Living in Grace

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