Monday 9 August 2021

When anger leads to foolish decisions

In these present times it is hard not to let anger win out. Most of us are living on edge and the slightest provocation can send us spinning off on a tangent. I was reminded again this week, while reading through the book of Esther, that when the “ego” of a person is pricked, it can lead to all kinds of consequences - one of them is anger!

Pietro Aletino (1492 – 1557) wrote that “angry people are blind and foolish.” This is so true. Our anger can blind us to the other people around us and often brings about a fracture in relationships. It is no wonder that Paul said:  “In your anger do not sin” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” (Ephesians 4:26-27). 

Paul understood that when we get angry we are skating on thin ice. We can easily become the victims of our own folly, and so can those who come across our path. 

Question: Have you ever had an angry moment where your decisions have not been the wisest? 

Living in Grace


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