Friday 31 December 2021

Sumballo - The great comparison

As we contemplate all that the birth of Jesus means for us, let us also spare a thought for Mary, who had been given the greatest task of all - carry the Saviour of the world in her womb for 9 months. 

In his gospel, Luke tells us that "Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19) and who can blame her for needing a little time to think about what had just happened. In the greek lexicon we read that the English word 'ponder' is one of the meanings of the word sumballo. 

Why this is most interesting for us is because it implies that when you ponder an event, you place two different scenarios next to each other. And this is probably what Mary was doing - pondering how things would have worked out for her family if God hadn't chosen her to carry Jesus, and then also reflecting on what their lives would be like now that God had intervened.

As we celebrate Christmas let us also do our own sumballo - let us ponder what our lives would be like if God had not sent his son into the world. And when we come to that place of overwhelming gratefulness, let us hold this treasure in our hearts.

Have a blessed Christmas. 

Living in Grace


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