Thursday 16 December 2021

Reconciliation - being willing to forgive


On this day, the 16th December, we mark a day of Reconciliation in South Africa. Although many people simply enjoy the day as a public holiday, it is important that we remember that this day has a tragic history. 

The day of Reconciliation has roots in hatred, violence, division and brokenness. And in order for us to be willing to move forward as human beings, we all need to acknowledge the pain we have been a part of - once we do this, we can start to heal and see real change in our land. Sadly, this is not something that happens over night - it will take generations of people, all willing to love extravagantly and to work towards peace.

As Christians we have the best role model to help guide us towards being reconciled to one another. Jesus sought to bring true peace and reconciliation between humanity and God. 

Proverbs 14:9 - "Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation."

"Reconciliation requires changes of heart and spirit, as well as social and economic change. It requires symbolic as well as practical action." -  Malcolm Fraser

Living in Grace


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