Monday 13 December 2021

Being mindful of God

What do the words 'being mindful' mean for you? 

In their simplest form they speak to me of having something 'fill' up your mind, or allowing someone to come to the forefront of your thoughts. When you are mindful of something/someone you are thinking of them a lot. This is what Mary describes when she sings her Magnificat - she is overwhelmed that God has been thinking of her:

"...for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant." - Luke 1:48

Not only is God mindful of us, but he also invites us to be mindful of him. This is what the season of Advent helps us to be conscious of - we allow our thoughts and hearts to be filled with the things of Jesus. We TAKE NOTICE of what is happening in the Spiritual realm and try to tune into what the Lord is saying to us.

What is occupying your thoughts at the moment?

“Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.”
― Mother Teresa

Living in Grace


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