Saturday 15 August 2020

Make the right change

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I was reflecting this week on how sometimes we procrastinate in make a change in some areas of our lives - either through laziness, ignorance or just simply disobedience. If you want to watch me confess one of my embarassing moments along these lines, then please click this link (or check it out on Youtube). 

This is the reading I mentioned in the video. It is from Jeremiah 8:4-6:

 “‘Do people fall down and not get up?
    Or take the wrong road and then just keep going?
So why does this people go backward,
    and just keep on going—backward!
They stubbornly hold on to their illusions,
    refuse to change direction.
I listened carefully
    but heard not so much as a whisper.
No one expressed one word of regret.
    Not a single “I’m sorry” did I hear.
They just kept at it, blindly and stupidly
    banging their heads against a brick wall. (The Message)

Living in Grace


P.S. - The video is just over 2 minutes long :)

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