Friday 29 May 2020

The right thing

March 21, 2015 - Bible verse of the day - Proverbs 21:3 ...

"We may think we are doing 
the right thing,
    but the Lord always knows what is in our hearts.
Doing what is right and fair pleases the Lord
    more than an offering." - Proverbs 21:2-3

What is the right thing to do? That is often the big question we have to answer and there are seldom easy ways to figure it out. I find that using the Golden Rule from Jesus is usually the best place to start. 

"Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
Love your neighbour as you love yourself."

If the 'thing' you are wanting so badly goes against one of these two commands, then there is every likelihood it is not what God would have us do. However, it is always best to ask the Spirit to help us discern this truth. Or speak to a trusted friend.

For those of you who do not know Him, choosing your eternal home is the most important decision you will ever make. Billy Graham

"You cannot make progress without making decisions. It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes." - Jim Rohn

Living in Grace

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