Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Robin Hood and Crux Mobi

We watched the new Robin Hood movie the other day and it was just what I needed - an escape from reality. It was fairly good and it achieved what I always enjoy about certain allowed me to dream. If you want a strong review on Robin Hood then you must read Gareth Killeen's comments. Although we disagree on a few points, it is well written and worth reading.

My friend, Gareth heads up the Crux mobi media ministry and he is doing an awesome work there. If you have a cell phone then you need to visit their site and download it onto your phone ASAP. Most of us have easy access to our phones and most of us check them many times per day. Through their ministry one can get lots of good Christian content straight to your phone. You can get weekly movie reviews, music, leadership thoughts and daily devotions (including Faith for Daily Living and even this blog in English and Zulu.)

Here is a blessing for you today:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13

Living in Grace,


David Barbour said...

Talking movies have you seen District 9? I was a little skeptical at first but really got into it. A science fiction set in JHB/Soweto was such a new concept and its context brought out the atrocities and the manner in which people have been treated in our country. I like the main character "Van der Merwe". He was the innocent guy caught up in a bad system but in the end became the victim of that which he served. So much like the old day in SA.

Delme Linscott said...

Started to watch it, but didn't get into it. Will try again some other day. Am really enjoying your blogs David.
Keep it up Skypilot!