Wednesday 5 June 2019

Take Time

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There is a sign on a wall in one of the Children's homes in Calcutta; this is what it says:

"Take time to think
Take time to pray
Take time to laugh.

It is the source of power
It is the greatest power on Earth
It is the music of the soul.

Take time to play
Take time to love and be loved
Take time to give.

It is the secret of perpetual youth
It is God's given privilege
It is too short a day to be selfish.

Take time to read
Take time to be friendly
Take time to work.

It is the foundation of wisdom
It is the road to happiness
It is the price of success
Take time to do charity
It is the key to Heaven."

This poem is taken from A Simple Path, a book reflecting on the life and work of Mother Teresa.

May you enjoy reading it and pass on the blessing to others.

Living in Grace

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