Wednesday 24 October 2018

Standing Fearless

I remember once being enticed to do a bridge-swing. It was a long time ago, but I am sure that the reason I attempted this feat was because there was a lady I was trying to impress. Needless to say, my bravery was a facade and jump off believing I was going to die. Thank goodness I survived to tell the tale! The one thing I can say for certainty is that NEVER stood at the edge of that bridge feeling 'fearless.' I was a nervous wreck.

So, here is reason for the story (above). When I read Psalm 46 from Eugene Peterson's Message, this is what he says:

God is a safe place to hide,
    ready to help when we need him.
We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom,
    courageous in seastorm and earthquake,
Before the rush and roar of oceans,
    the tremors that shift mountains. (v.1-3)

The only time we stand 'fearless' before anything that makes us afraid, is when we know that we are in God's care - no matter what! God is the safest place to hide and to trust in his goodness.

May we stand at the edge of our troubles and put in our faith (as weak as it may be) in the hands of God.

Living in Grace

P.S. It is with sadness that I learnt of Eugene Peterson's death yesterday. He died at 85, after a long battle with cancer. I will share some thoughts on his life later in the week.

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