Another thing that hit me whilst attending the Leadership Summit was when someone asked the question: "Are you in Full-Time ministry, but have become a Part-Time Christian?" Oh NO, another hammer blow to my fragile ego. Boy, oh boy, I really have to be careful about placing myself in meetings where the Holy Spirit is going to challenge me. It is far to easy to be in full time ministry and to get caught up in 'running' a church, whilst slowly your faith erodes away. If I am honest, I had started to slide towards mediocrity and complacency - being a Christ follower was comfortable! But, I don't want to be a part time follower of Jesus! I desire to give Him everything. I can't stand lukewarm coffee/tea and when I take a sip of it I certainly want to spit it out my mouth. It is little wonder God wants to do the same with my feeble, cushy, namby-pamby attends to follow Him. Jesus you are radical and I want to be your radical Disciple. Challenge me to ask myself: "Am I Full-Time or Part-Time?" Bring it on God!
Your disciple in training, living in your grace.