Our world operates on the following system: You do something for me and then you get your reward! You put in your hours at work, then you will get paid.
You put in your miles in training and then you will reap the reward in the marathon.
You study hard and you will get the results.
No effort - no reward.
But Covid-19 is teaching us all something different. It is teaching us to understand GRACE in a different light. It is not anything new, but it is certainly urging us to relook at the way we treat each other and how we give to others.
Do I only give love to those who offer me something first?
Do I support you, because you support me?
Do I only call you once you have made the first move?
The initial spark for this post came from the contact we had with the lovely lady who helps us in our home. She only comes to work every second week, but we know that she depends on that daily wage so so much. When we offered to pay her for 'not coming to work' she seemed surprised at first, but extremely grateful. I am sure she was deeply anxious about feeding her family at this time and we were able to help her in a real way.
I share this not to try and look good, but to say how this little incident taught me more about GRACE than I realised. God doesn't love me because I have been good. Nor does God promise us his peace once we have put in some effort or ticked a bunch of religious boxes.
God loves me....full stop!
And it is in this overwhelming love that God desires to woo me back to himself.
Grace is God's gift to us and not my reward for being holy - and this makes all the difference. Grace is always undeserved favour given to us by God.
Ephesians 2:8-9 - For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it.
Living in Grace
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