Thursday 2 April 2015


When Jesus cried these harrowing words from the cross, what did he really mean?

"Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani!" (We translate them as, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?")

On some level, these words are shrouded in mystery, yet they are central to our Christian faith. There are a few interpretations of these words, but in the end, I guess only Jesus knew what he was trying to say to the world.

i. He could have been reciting the beginning of Psalm 22, which is a Messianic Psalm. This Psalm starts with an atmosphere of devastation, but ends on a note of Victory. Have a read of it and see what you think...

ii. Jesus could have literally have felt forsaken by his Father in that moment.

iii. He was bearing the full weight of humanity's sin and this would have lead to a separation from his dad for a time.

iv. Perhaps something else we haven't yet understood.

Whichever one of these was the reasoning behind his cry, in the end it tells me that Jesus understands my pain, sin and brokenness. So when we cry out to the Lord, he is one who is familiar with depths of my hurt.

This Easter period remember that Christ understands all of our emotions and troubles.

Living in Grace

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