Tuesday 26 August 2014

A chance to be blessed - sharing with Trevor Hudson

Trevor Hudson has inspired me for years. He has the unique gift of being able to preach God's word with such compassion, sincerity and grace, yet equally with tremendous power. There are only a few preachers who, when their sermons are finished, make you wish they carried on for longer - Trevor is one of those preachers!

The other gift that Trevor has is his ability to put pen to paper. His books have touched the lives of many people all over the world and I am no exception. I was so humbled when he agreed to write the foreword for my first book, Living Oceans Apart - he is a good man.

Trevor has written loads of books, including some of the following:

Signposts to Spirituality
Invitations to abundant Life
One day at a time
Holy Spirit, here and now
The Cycle of Grace
Journey of the Spirit
Questions God asks us

We have the privilege of having Trevor share with us for 3 days, starting this Sunday (31 August) evening at 6pm. He will be sharing on a few of the 'Questions God asks us.' If you are around Pietermaritzburg this weekend and early next week, then feel free to join us. You don't want to miss this opportunity.

Living in Grace

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