Sunday 17 August 2014

1500 Thank you's

I noticed that during the last few days I reached the milestone of 1500 blog posts. So I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to read these thoughts and devotions. I love the fact that God uses each post to touch someones life and often I only find out weeks or months later. God is so good. So, let me say again.... 1500 THANK YOU'S to you all!

I am often asked, 'how do you decided what to write?' The simply answer is this - "I write what I am prompted or compelled to write." I don't usually plan anything, I try to listen to the prompting of the Spirit and then I type away. It is up to God to use it as he wants to. Keeping it simple, is what I like to do.

The first post I wrote was back in 2007, but it was only in 2009 that I committed to write as often as I could. I have loved the discipline and challenge of doing this, but I am kept accountable by the fact that you are willing to read it daily. Your comments, prayers and feedback help me to carry on. Glancing back over the topics that I have written on, it seems that some of my favourites topics include:

Christian Life

The reason I write is because of this scripture:
"God was so gracious, so very generous - here I am and I am not about to let his grace go to waste." - 1 Corinthians 15:10

May God bless you today. And remember that I love to hear from you, so send me a comment when you get a chance.

Living in Grace

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