Thursday, 9 May 2013

Dallas Willard

I was saddened to the news of Dallas Willard's death. He passed away at the age of 77, after a long battle with cancer. He was such an inspiring man and I had the privilege of listening to him at a workshop a few years ago. These are a few words I would use to sum up the impression he left with me:

...Brilliant mind, yet totally humble. Inspiring and deep, yet simple enough to understand. Passionate about Jesus and the Gospel, yet not arrogant or too 'religious'. Hard working, yet Spirit led.

Here are a few of his quotes, in case you don't Dallas.

“We live in a culture that has, for centuries now, cultivated the idea that the skeptical person is always smarter than one who believes. You can almost be as stupid as a cabbage as long as you doubt.” 

 “Grace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning. Earning is an attitude. Effort is an action. Grace, you know, does not just have to do with forgiveness of sins alone.” 

"... this is an age for spiritual heroes- a time for men and women to be heroic in their faith and in spiritual character and power. The greatest danger to the Christian church today is that of pitching its message too low.”

If you want to read more of his life then please read these thoughts.

Rest in Peace, Dallas.

Living in Grace

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