Wednesday 3 August 2011

What were you born as?

After sharing in a funeral this afternoon a gentleman came up to speak to me. In our conversation he told me how he was born a Catholic, became an Anglican and is now a Baptist. While I have no real issues with any one of these denominations, I was taken aback by his comment on been born a Christian! I am not sure about you, but when I was born, I was born a crying, tiny (and probably smelly) baby! It was my choice, in my teens, to surrender my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and then I became a Christian (born again, if you prefer).

I know what this gentleman was getting at (and so I didn't correct him at the time), but it still disturbs me that people believe that faith is passed on genetically. For me, the only way we pass on our faith to our family, children, friends etc, is through sharing & teaching about the love of Jesus. Then when these people understand their need for a Saviour they choose to follow Jesus. No one can be born a Methodist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Catholic etc - sure, we can be born into homes that embrace one of these traditions, but we are never born anything more infants in need of Love.

Any thoughts?

Living in Grace,

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