Tuesday 9 July 2024

Guide me, O thou Great Jehovah

When William Williams wrote the words of Guide me, O thou Great Jehovah, I wonder if he realised what an influence it would have on many of our lives. As we read (or sing) these words, what comes to your mind?

Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more; feed me till I want no more.

Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow; let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, be thou still my strength and shield; be thou still my strength and shield.

When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside; death of death and hell's destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to thee; I will ever give to thee.

They surely give us some insight into the trials that Williams may have faced in his native Wales (in the 1700's), as well as his trust in God's deliverance. Taking examples from the Old Testament, Williams reminds us that God is our provider, deliverer and redeemer. Williams is remembered as one of the most famous Welsh Methodist hymn writers.

Blessings to you.

Living in Grace

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