Friday 6 January 2023

The Quest - my story of Epiphany


The light draws me in – mysterious, divine, compelling.

I feel as though I am given a simple choice – follow the star and find the elusive answer or potentially live with a lingering, nagging wonder… where would the star have taken me?

Keeping the star in my sights, I persevere into the future. I am not yet sure if the brilliant light is just a mirage, a guide, or my ultimate destination. All I am sure of is that I must find the answer.

The journey is hard, but I continue to wander over mountains and through deep ravines. On occasion I stop to refresh and refocus on the great, glimmering goal. The wilderness is the toughest part of the quest; it is the audible silence that casts doubt on my desire for the light, but I push on.

My companions offer words of encouragement as we edge closer to the star. The mystery grows daily – larger and more pronounced, like a young pregnant mother watching the growth of her child from outside her stomach. Our questions are laced with nervous excitement and our words offer a hopeful consolation: have we made the right choice?

Wearily, but rhythmically, we plod on. At some point in the early evening, we are arrested by the silent, stationary star. Its arc has come to rest above an obscure and unlikely home. There are no magnificent palatial walls to mark the birth of this unique child. Where are the consorts and servants? Why are there no royal guards or physicians? There is no smell of a thousand fires, lit to feed the multitudes come to honour the king.

Perhaps this is all wrong? Has our wisdom been nothing but foolish guessing?

Yet, there is a faint sound emanating from a home on the eastern hillside. We see a dull light coming from the rudimentary shelter. In truth, it’s more like a stable, but there are signs of life coming from the open doorway. It is the voice of a weary young man, followed by the prayer of an emotionally drained teenage mother: Thank you for this gift, Yahweh!

In my heart I sense we have come to the appointed place, but my gut-feeling is confirmed when the sound of the angelic choir rises overhead. I have never heard hundreds of voices combine to this effect before. The overall message resounds as one, yet it is as if each distinctive voice is heard: Glory to the King!

Our hope is finally rewarded in this delightful moment. We choose to respectfully bow to the young parents, before we kneel before the child. It seems fitting that we honour the infant boy and as we rise from the dusty floor, the star reflects in his new-born eyes.

The gifts are for him, but we wonder if they are worthy enough for this special child. Will he even need them? Perhaps in the end he won’t, but it is what they truly represent that we have come to offer. Each precious treasure conveys the message of our hearts. We have found what we were looking for and now He deserves our genuine response.

And so, we offer Him:

Our allegiance. Our resources. Our All.


Living in Grace


I find it incredible that when I ponder on the familiar stories of our faith there is always something new that touches my heart. These special events, in our Christian tradition, can deepen our faith and give us renewed purpose as we follow Jesus. God bless you as you keep your eyes fixed on the Light. 


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