Saturday 24 April 2021

Staying close to the Shepherd


As we reflect on the beautiful image of the Good Shepherd this week, I invite you to meditate on these quotes and verses. Enjoy and may you know the comfort of the True Shepherd, Jesus.

"I am like the sick sheep that strays from the rest of the flock. Unless the Good Shepherd takes me on His shoulders and carries me back to His fold, my steps will falter, and in the very effort of rising, my feet will give way." - St. Jerome

"Christ's flock is made up of sheep that not only listen to their shepherd, but are also able to recognize his voice, to follow him, faithfully and with full awareness, on the pastures of eternal life." - Pope John XXIII

"The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same." -Stendhal

John 10:11 (LB) - “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.  A hired man will run when he sees a wolf coming and will leave the sheep, for they aren’t his and he isn’t their shepherd.

Living in Grace


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