Thursday, 19 April 2018

Dangers that threaten us

"O God, I know that there are certain dangers which are always threatening me. 

Keep me from taking people and all that they do for me for granted, and help me to show them how much I value them, and how much I appreciate all that they do for me.

Keep me from allowing myself to become satisfied with less and less, from lowering my standards, from forgetting my ideals as the days go on.

Keep me from taking sin less and less seriously, from allowing myself things which once I would have refused, from accepting as inevitable things which once would have shocked me.

Help me to walk looking unto Jesus, that I may see all things in the light of his life and of his Cross, so that I may strive to be always on the upward way.

This I ask for your loves sake. Amen." - William Barclay

May this pray help us to avoid the quiet dangers that lurk out there and threaten to derail our relationship with others and with God.

"The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty." - Proverbs 22:3

Living in Grace

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