Wednesday 15 June 2016

Prayer for today

In a time of so much uncertainty, I turn to you, O God.
I believe that you are the only stable thing in the world right now.
I don't understand how and why you work, but I believe that you are good.
Help me to hold true to your ideals and to share your Love with those around me.
When I stumble, forgive me.
When I hurt others, let me have the strength to say sorry.
When I am tempted to add to the darkness, fill me with your Light.
In your name I pray.

This is a short prayer I wrote today - use it and  may it offer some hope to you.

Living in Grace

Prepare the door of our hearts, O Lord, that welcoming your Holy Spirit, we may delight at your entering in and rejoice in the holiness which your presence brings. Amen.
Ephrem of Syria (c. 306-373)

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