Sunday, 1 March 2015

Lent #7 - Unreliable?

Job's three friends were having a real go at him. To be fair, they were "trying" to encourage him and get him back on his feet, but they were doing a shocking job of it. All that Job needed from them was a little empathy and some solid advice, but in the end his friends proved unreliable and weak. Listen to what he says to them:

14 “One should be kind to a fainting friend, but you have accused me without the slightest fear of God. 15-18 My brother, you have proved as unreliable as a brook; it floods when there is ice and snow, but in hot weather, disappears. The caravans turn aside to be refreshed, but there is nothing there to drink, and so they perish. 19-21 When caravans from Tema and from Sheba stop for water there, their hopes are dashed. And so my hopes in you are dashed—you turn away from me in terror and refuse to help. - Job 6

Wow, imagine being as "unreliable as a brook"? One moment it is there and the next it is gone! This statement challenges us on our friendships and relationships. How stable are they at the moment? Are our hopes dashed because of being "let down" by others?

Remember that even though Job's friends assumed that God had turned his back on Job, God was still faithful.

Be a trustworthy friend and trust that God is forever faithful.

Living in Grace

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