Wednesday, 19 March 2014

What do you have to complain about?

It was this question that got me thinking today?

"What do you have to complain about?" (Thomas a Kempis)

Of course I have a few things that I feel I could complain about right now (and I am sure you do also):
The poor service delivery in our city.
The weakening Rand.
The political situation in our country.
Bad drivers.
Rising cost of living.

My leaking roof!
______________ (you fill the space)

But then it struck me - do I really need to complain about all these things? How blessed I am in so many other areas. Sure, there are many things wrong in our city and country, but there are loads of great things that we could celebrate.

In a spiritual sense, we are greatly blessed by God's mercy and grace. God could complain about us on so many levels. God could create an endless list of the ways I mess up everyday. He could call it: "The Thousand ways Delme messed up today!"
And if he kept score, then I would be damned - pure and simple! I would stand no chance. But thankfully God offers me grace instead of judgement. I am a blessed man.

Thomas a Kempis adds, "If you were to receive what you earned, you would be condemned to hell. But I have spared you because you are precious to me. I want you to know my love."

Worth thinking about!

Living in Grace

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