Thursday 6 March 2014

Speak Lord

The season of Lent helps us to tune into the voice of the Spirit., but we need to be intentional about listening for the voice of God. It is much easier to listen to the words of others or even of the ‘biblical prophets’, but it is the voice of Jesus that we need the most.

Perhaps a simple, but profound prayer during this season is Samuel’s prayer:
Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”1 Samuel 3:10

Thomas a Kempis wrote:

“The Prophets may speak words, but they cannot give the Spirit.

Their language is beautiful, but if you are silent it will not set my heart on fire.

They give words, but you give the words meaning.

They present mysteries, but you unlock what it hidden.”

Listen for the still small voice of the Spirit today.

Living in Grace

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