Saturday, 7 April 2012

Plant the Cross

The Cross was planted into the ground at Golgotha. The soldiers made sure that the holes were deep enough, so that the crosses would take the weight of a man. I wonder if they had to dig a deeper hole for Jesus' cross? After all the cross was not just carry his weight, but also the burden of my sin and yours - it must have been a deep, deep hole.

"As you gaze upon the cross, and long for conformity to him, be not weary or fearful because you cannot express in words what you seek. Ask him to plant the cross in your heart. Believe in him, the crucified and now living one, to dwell within you, and breathe his own mind there." - Andrew Murray

Thank you Jesus for being willing to carry the burden on my sin. I am forever indebted to you. May my life reflect my love for you.

Living in Grace

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