Thursday 8 August 2024

What was he well known for?

What was Moses well known for? 

Was it for, being left in the bulrushes as a child? Challenging Pharoah? Being a Shepherd? Receiving the 10 Commandments? Leading the people through the wilderness? 

Well, I guess all of these give us some insight into the events of his life, but they don't fully answer the question. When we turn to Numbers 12:3, we find the answer. This verse says:

Anav me’od mikol ha-adam asher al penai ha-adama”–the most extremely humble individual on the face of the earth.

Moses was considered to be the humblest individual on the face of the earth. Wow, that is quite an honour. 

Another translation for word 'anav' can also be 'meek.' Moses was chosen by God, because he humbly trusted in God 100 percent. 

"Far more books get written about how to get more people in your church than how to get the people already in your church to have more humility and sincere love." - John Ortberg

Living in Grace


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