Wednesday 7 August 2024

What does it mean to be meek?

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." - Matthew 5:6

In our modern times the word 'Meek' has sadly come to mean: A doormat. Or someone who is spineless, or subservient or even passive. But surely it means more than this? 

It was Aristotle who used the Greek word ‘praus’ (from which we get the word meekness) to describe the happy medium between ‘extreme anger’ and ‘being excessively passive.” He had the habit of defining every virtue by comparing 2 extremes and then resting in the middle of the two in a ‘happy medium.”   

So then, we could paraphrase Matthew 5:6 with these words: “Blessed is the person who is always angry at the right time, and never angry at the wrong time.”

The other usage of the word ‘praus’ is the same as to speak of an animal that has been domesticated - for example, think of a Stallion. It is an animal that has learnt to accept control from its owner, but it also has the power to cause harm if let loose. 

I guess, the main idea behind the word “meek” was strength under control - so, it is therefore not ‘weaknesses at all.

Thought: How does this sit with you? Do you find it easy to find this perfect balance?

Living in Grace


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