Monday 6 May 2024

It is better for you

There are some people who promise much but deliver very little. And when we have been disappointed with broken promises before, it is very hard to try and trust in any future promises. I was thinking about this when Jesus turned to his disciples and said:

"But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you." - John 16:7

It is not that Jesus had broken any promises to his disciples, but they would have been wary of what he was implying. How could it be better for them, if Jesus was no longer going to be present with them? They couldn't imagine what he was meaning - it made no sense! They had never experienced anything like this before, so it is little wonder that they struggled to see the good news in Jesus' promise.

However, as time passed and events unfolded, the disciples came to understand that Jesus was correct. It was better for them that he returned to the Father and they were gifted with the Holy Spirit. 

Sometimes, we have to hang on in faith, until the reality of the PROMISE is fulfilled.

Thought: Are there any promises in the Scriptures that you struggle to understand or even believe? What makes them hard to consider?

If you are interested in listening to my recent sermon on this topic, please click onto this link. 

Living in Grace


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