Monday 27 May 2024

After Aldersgate

John Wesley's heart-warming experience in Aldersgate (24 May 1738) is well documented. However, what is not well known is it that although John's encounter with God gave him deep assurance of his salvation, he was not exempt from further trials. This is important for all Christians to know and understanding. Any encounter with God will deepen our faith and our experience of Jesus, but we will continue to live in a broken world. It is how we are now equipped and prepared for the new challenges that makes all the difference. 

Listen to how John Wesley describes his new attitude to challenges: 

"After my return home, I was much buffeted with temptations; but cried out, and they fled away. They returned again and again. I as often lifted up my eyes, and he sent me help from his holy place. And herein I found the difference between this and my former state chiefly consisted. I was striving, yea, fighting with all my might under the law, as well as under grace; but then I was sometimes, if not often, conquered: now I am always a conqueror." - John Wesley

Before Aldersgate, Mr. Wesley felt that he was striving and fighting in his own strength. After his Aldersgate experience, he allowed God to do the fighting.

Romans 8:37 - No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Thoughts: What can John's story teach us about our own journey of faith?

Living in Grace



Ken Gerhardt said...

Wow! Romans 8:37 has certainly given me the clarity and, the courage going forward/...
Thanks, Delme.

Delme Linscott said...

Thanks Ken - have a blessed day. Delme