Tuesday 30 April 2024

Reflections on Worker's Day

Most of us have a 'love-hate' relationship with our work and places of employment. Many people that I speak to, long to be doing something else and they find themselves trapped in a work situation because it 'pays the bills.' There are a small percentage of people who earn a living doing what they simply love, and you can usually tell who these people are.
As we celebrate National Workers Day on the 1st of May, I invite us to remember a few things and then to offer a simple prayer:

1. God also worked. "On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation. This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth." - Genesis 2:2-4 

2. Work doesn't need to be a punishment. We can glorify God and serve God's purposes through our places of work.

3. There are millions of people who would love to work but can't find a job. Think about what this does to their self-esteem and dignity.

4. Give thanks for the ability to carry out your work. For healthy bodies and minds. 

5. Not all workers are treated well. Many are abused and paid poorly. Ask yourself: "How can I set a different example?" If you employ people, ask how you can treat them with greater dignity and respect. 

Prayer: Lord, we thank you for the gift of being able to work. Sometimes we struggle to see the blessing in what we do, but we ask you to give us insight into each situation. Help us to serve you and others in our places of employment and also in our homes. We pray for those who are desperately seeking work - may they would not lose heart. May we also learn to see each of our colleagues as you would see them and to love them appropriately. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Living in Grace

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