Thursday 15 February 2024

A service for Valentines Day?

While fetching one of my kids yesterday, I explained that I needed to drop him off at home quickly, so that I could rush to the evening service. Without thinking, he replied: "Since when did we start having services for Valentine's Day!?" 

After chuckling to myself, I told him that it was not a service for Valentine's Day, but rather an Ash Wednesday Service. To which he responded: "Oh yes, I forgot!" 

And so, in our brief conversation, we stumbled across some powerful realizations:

1. Ash Wednesday is NOT like Valentine's Day in many ways, but it does celebrate the greatest act of Love ever revealed to humanity. 

2. Love is not something we only 'speak of', but rather what we show with our actions. "For God so loved the world that He gave us His Son..." (John 3:16).

3. Lent is an important time in our Christian journey, precisely because our lives are so hectic, that we easily 'forget' to lean into the promises of God.


What are taking up (or giving up) in Lent, in order to help you remain focused on Jesus Christ?

Living in Grace


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