Monday 4 September 2023

Stumbling along the path

"You suffered throughout your life, O Lord Jesus Christ, that I might be saved. And yet, even now, you continue to bear with me, as I stumble upon the path and constantly go astray. As often as I become impatient and wish to abandon your way, you encourage me and stretch forth your helping hand. Each day I increase your burden; yet while I am impatient, your patience is infinite." - Soren Kierkegaard

As I was reading through these words from Kierkegaard, I was arrested by the words 'as I stumble upon the path.' It reminded me of how I often long for my faith journey to be a strong powerful sprint, but in the end if seems to be more of a slow, stumble along the way. 

However, I am reminded that it is God's infinite patience that keeps me heading towards him. In his mercy he carries me home.

Psalm 37:24 - "Though we stumble we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand."

Living in Grace


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