Monday 24 April 2023

Rise up and be counted

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ invites all of us to a new life in his name. For us, this must mean a genuine desire to 'be resurrected' on a daily basis. What I mean is that we need to choose to 'die to our ourselves' and then allowed the Holy Spirit to renew us again. 

Perhaps for some people this happens in a once off event, but in my experience, this is something that I need to be willing to do every day of my life. As Matthew Fox writes - I must be willing to 'rise up and be counted.'

“to be Resurrection for another I need to be Resurrection for myself. That means I cannot dwell in [despair] or death and anger and oppression and submission and resentment and pain forever. I need to wake up, get up, rise up, put on life even when days are dark, and my soul is down and shadows surround me everywhere … I have to listen to the voice that says: Be Resurrection… Be Born again. And again. And again. Rise up and be counted. Rise up and imbibe the good news deeply – that death does not conquer, that life, not death, has the last word …” – Matthew Fox

Romans 8:11 - And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

Living in Grace


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