Tuesday 25 April 2023

Empty Nets

"Empty nets, Lord.
Moments when the strands that keep my life together seem tenuous,
thin threads incapable of holding anything of note.
My fishing futile, with nothing much to show for all I’ve done.

I sit with Peter and his friends,
cold in the dark, my minds amalgam of faith and uncertainty in equal parts with hope and fear,
not knowing what’s best, what my next move should be.
Times when I sit alone, human and vulnerable,
boat drifting in an early morning mist of fearfulness – net snagged on disappointment.
And yet you’re there, walking the edges of my life.

Calling me to one more effort,
your presence tempering the dark, your sunrise scattering the mist.
And when I move to try again, your early morning promise offers me warmth and welcome,
and the reassurance that my life is lived with you and the darkness,
and the mist don’t count.” - Eddie Askew

I absolutely love and appreciate these words from Eddie Askew. His prayer puts into words some of the fragile moments of my own faith. Eddie Askew served in the Leprosy Mission (TLM) for many years and used his talents as an author, speaker and artist to bring hope to all who suffered with Leprosy. For more on his life, read this splurb.

Living in Grace

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