Monday 13 March 2023

There is a remedy, but we don't think we need it

Life is busy! Actually, a better way to describe it is this: Life is relentless. 

We never seem to get a break or catch our breath. We are rushing from one thing to the next, giving ourselves little time to even process our emotions along the way. And the result of all of this is that more and more of us are feeling exhausted and ready to scream. We constantly ask the question: Is it ever going to stop!? And in truth, if we don't do something about it, then this same cycle will continue, perpetually! It won't stop if we don't so something about it.

Ecclesiastes 7:39 – “God made man simple: man’s complex problems are of his own devising.” (Jerusalem Bible)

At the core of our culture of busyness, is our reluctance to take a Sabbath rest. Perhaps it is because we are afraid to fall behind the racing pack, or we argue that we can't afford the time to recreate ourselves. However, in truth, we are harming ourselves in the long run. We are not able to perform at our peak, because our bodies and minds are exhausted. Our mental health has taken a hit and we are left fending off all kinds of demons in our minds. 

But God has already given us a remedy, but we don't think we need God's advice. We think we know better. We think that taking some time to rest is seen as a failure. However, the irony is that when we do take some time out or even a short holiday, we usually come back stronger, more focussed and more energised to do our work and to be present with our loved ones.

So, perhaps God knows best after all. It may be wise for us to listen to his advice. Our health depends on it. 

Mark 2:27 - Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

Living in Grace


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