Friday 23 July 2021

Hiding from evil

"Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from the plots of evildoers." - Psalm 64:2

It is very easy for us as South Africans to draw a parallel from today's reading, to the recent events of looting and violence in our country. It seems clear that those behind the actions plotted and conspired to bring maximum destruction to our communities. 

So, in light of these events, how do read David's words and what do we make of them? Would this mean that we hope God can hide us from the physical evildoers, or is he asking for protection from the fallout of their actions? Or is it a little of both? It is clear that as Christ-followers we will not be exempt from suffering, but what can we expect from God during these times? 

I realise these are tough questions, but they are on everyone's minds at the moment. Perhaps my response is too simplistic for some, but I want to believe that I can turn to God for help in my time of need and that God will protect me from the 'evil one.' This doesn't mean that I will never face trials or sorrow, but I see it as God's promise to keep my 'soul/spirit/life' safe from the clutches of the enemy. Even in ultimate death I can know that I am in the strong hands of my loving Saviour.

"Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings." - Psalm 17:8

Living in Grace


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