Tuesday 11 May 2021

Come and rest

“Come now, insignificant man, fly for a moment from your affairs, escape for a little while from the tumult of your thoughts. Put aside now your weighty cares and leave your wearisome toils. Abandon yourself for a little to God and rest for a little in Him.” - Anselm of Cantebury

This quote from Anselm reminds me of the words of Jesus, who understands all our pain and struggles, and invites us to rest in his love. Sometimes all we need is just a few moments to catch our breath and to know that God is with us. I think of Susanna Wesley who had to find time in her massive household of 10 kids to pray and find her peace - she used to sit in a certain chair and put her apron over her head. This was her way of letting her kids know that she was praying. 

We can all find these little moments - we just need to be intentional about it.

Matthew 11:28Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Living in Grace


“I believe in order that I may understand.” - Anslem of Cantebury


Ken Gerhardt said...

Thanks, Delme,
Yes, it never ceases to amaze me when one 'stops' –the noise in our heads, we pick up on the beat of our hearts. Listen carefully 'cause it's the heart/spirit that wants to 'hear'... when we do listen, then the call of The Sheperd is clear across the plains... Ken.

Delme Linscott said...

Thanks for the feedback Ken. God bless you friend.