Sunday 16 May 2021

Beautiful reminder

"I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours." - John 17:9

The essence of John 17 focuses on Jesus' prayer for his disciples, his future followers (us) and himself. There is something deeply moving for me when I consider that Christ is praying for me. If you are dealing with some concerns in your life at the moment, how does it make you feel that Jesus is praying for you?

Charles H. Spurgeon - "Every one of us, beloved, when we listen to the words of Christ should recollect that he is praying for us; that while it is for the great body of his elect he intercedes in this chapter (John 17) and the one preceding it, yet it is also for each believer in particular that he offers intercession."

Living in Grace



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