Thursday 18 February 2021


 "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." - Luke 23:24

An advertisement for a paint product on TV claimed that forgiveness is easy. Many would disagree - it is not easy to forgive someone who has wronged you or wronged a loved one. Hurt is very real and forgiveness is extremely difficult.

Jesus' words and example have however made a significant difference in many of the lives of his followers. Dr Clarence Macarty tells of the young Armenian girl who saw her brother killed by a Turkish soldier. Years later, when the girl had become a nurse, she was given the task of nursing this same soldier, now wounded. She cared tenderly for him, and at last he asked her how she could do it, knowing he had killed her brother. She replied: "I have a religion that teaches me to forgive."

As we journey through this Lenten period we should search our hearts to find if we harbour any bitterness or resentment against any person. If so, we need to ask Jesus Christ to help us replace these with the spirit of forgiveness.

Prayer Thought: Father I pray that you will help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me.

We are grateful to Mrs Lynn Allison for her contribution today.

Living in Grace

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