Thursday 26 September 2019

Does anyone care?

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Does anyone care?
This is an interesting question to answer, but before we do let me share this story with you.
I read an article about a young student in New Zealand who died in his hostel room, but no one noticed for 2 months. Can you believe that? That is 8 weeks. 56 days!

Eventually his parents asked the authorities to break into his room because they were getting worried. This story bothers me, because it shows that although we are living in a "connected" world via social media, we are not as connected as we think. This poor guy had to wait 2 months before anyone cared enough to knock on his door.

For this reason, I believe the church plays an important role in helping people connect to one another. This is not just for social reasons, but to keep each other accountable to the faith we profess. Community is vital for our survival in our Christian walk.

"Isaiah asked what we all ask at one time or another: “Does anyone care, God? Is anyone listening and believing a word of it?” The point is: Before you trust, you have to listen. But unless Christ’s Word is preached, there’s nothing to listen to." - Romans 10:16-17 (Message)

Thought: Don't be tempted to withdraw too far from your Christian community, because there is a chance that people may give you the 'space' you ask for, but when you are in desperate need, there may not be anyone to hear your cry for help.

Living in Grace

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